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Tutankhamun an ancient Egyptian king (Pharaoh) who was the last in the royal family to rule in the mid 18 th dynasty. His father was Akhenaten who ruled Egypt for a long term died and King Tut came to power at a very young age of 8. He was assisted by his uncle “Ay” in all aspects of his life such as war, finance and construction of cities in and around Egypt. Egyptians believe that marriage outside the royal family would bring curse upon the nation and he as a result he married his half-sister Ankhesenamun. Soon they had twin babies who were still born.  By birth Tutankhamun was a weak child as his father married within the close family. King Tut had a genetic disorder called bone necrosis which resulted in an incomplete bone in his legs, hence he carried a walking stick with him. The art depicting King Tut shows clearly that without assistance he couldn’t move from one place to another.  This made king Tut vulnerable and Ay started to plan his murde

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