Gold produced in lab......????????

GOLD...... this word has played a vital role in the life of all humans. We even imagine if we could produce gold in our science has made it possible. Kazem Kashefi, an assistant professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the university, and his colleague Adam Brown, associate professor of electronic art and intermedia, created the precious metal with the help of the metal-tolerant bacteriumCupriavidus metallidurans, a "Superman-strength" strain that can withstand the intense toxicity of gold chloride.

“Microbial alchemy is what we’re doing--transforming gold from something that has no value into a solid, precious metal that’s valuable,” Kashefi said.

Don't get excited .... producing gold from gold chloride is not a easy task. It needs lots and lots of capital
that has to be invested.The professors used their discovery to create an art installation called “The Great Work of the Metal Lover,” which was awarded honorary mention at this year's Prix Ars Electronica.

thank u.............


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